Theme: Always

Erin Britt mama says

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Always is a long time.

There are days when being their mother overwhelms me, has me yearning to break free from the tether that binds, to put motherhood on hold.

Though more often than not, this unbreakable bond is what grounds me like the deep roots of a tree. I look into their eyes and see what is. It’s not always what I want to see, but it inspires me to aim higher. It’s the place I go to feel loved and understood, to be present.

And I know that even when they’re grown and gone, always, remains. They will occupy my headspace, my heart. I will hope, worry, and long to see them more often.

And like the roots of a tree spreading underground, I will also seek and find others bound by this journey we call motherhood. And we will share our stories. And feel understood. Always.

Welcome to this month’s theme.

About the Author

Erin Britt

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