I love this theme—it signifies all the growth (yours, and those kids) and adventures. It is the story of the mundane tasks that add up to mountains. It is the epic moments that stand out like a trumpet, heralding our arrival.
Our feats are our accomplishments. Our feet get us through.
We are very excited to have a sponsor for this month’s theme: VIM&VIGR—it is a great company started by a brilliant woman. She makes socks—but more than that she solves a problem, gives more energy and does so with panache and style. It doesn’t get more Mamalode than that.
So tuck in for a month of great storytelling, reaching, searching, and moments that define us. Growth and adventure go hand in hand. Or feet.
This article and the theme Feets & Feats is brought to you by VIM & VIGR.
To learn about sponsoring a Mamalode theme contact: info@mamalode.com

To learn about sponsoring a Mamalode theme contact: info@mamalode.com

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