Adventures aren’t just for kids.
This is a playlist celebrating your first partner on this wild adventure. Your right hand man (or woman). The Robin to your Batman. The Spock to your Captain Kirk.
Your partner. The one who keeps you sane through the madness.
Our readers gave us a list of their songs. The songs that hold a special place in their hearts and remind them of their significant other.
“We danced to 'the Luckiest' by Ben Folds at the wedding. It says a lot about us.” – Naomi Hartman Gerheim
“We have joke songs. My husband's joke song for me is “I've Been Let Down” by Mazzy Starr. My joke song for him is “Dirty Dishes” by Deer Tick. Both are perfect for diffusing tense situations regarding whose job it is to sweep the kitchen. We don't have any romantic songs for us–not sure what that says about us but we've been married almost 19 years. So there's that.” – Rachel Harrington
“Buttons by the weeks. We even got matching tattoos based on the title.” – Mariah Joy
“We have been married 22 years….1st ten years it was Bonnie Raitts “Give'em Somthing to Talk About” 2nd ten years it was Shania Twains “Forever and for Always” 3rd ten years it's going to be John Legends “All of Me.” – Christine Gannam Cook
“We love Jackson Browne music! When we need to connect, we have a Jackson Fest! 39 yrs & counting!” – Colleen Nolan Cavalier
July 2014's theme adventuring is brought to you by La Stella Blue

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