“The Angel in My Pocket: A Story of Love, Loss, and Life After Death” by Sukey Forbes is a heartbreaking yet fascinating story about what it is like to lose a child, and where they go after this life has ended.
Sukey Forbes’, a descendant of Ralph Waldo Emerson, has had ample encounters with the spirit world and paranormal activity. Her ancestral home on Naushon Island at Cape Cod has been haunted for hundreds of years. But when Forbes’ daughter Charlotte died from a genetic disorder so rare that most doctors had never heard of it, Forbes uses her experiences with the spiritual world to find clairvoyants who can tell her of Charlotte’s fate.
Told in a raw and emotional voice, Forbes’ book drags you down into a valley of trauma and grief, and pulls you out the other side in a flurry of relief and rediscovery. Her experience shows that nobody is safe from tragedy, and that the choices we make in the face of tragedy are the ones that define us. From detailing her family’s ethereal experiences to watching her six-year-old daughter draw her final breath, Forbes’ journey to inner peace is inspiring and empowering.
July 2014's theme adventuring is brought to you by La Stella Blue

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