Katrina Becker is a BAM

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My sister, Katrina Becker, runs an organic farm with her husband,Tony Schultz (Stoney Acres Farm). From harvesting for hours each day to developing marketing and business materials, expanding to provide farm to table pizza each week and cooperating with local restaurants and supermarkets, she has grown her farm baby into a remarkable success. At the same as being literally the strongest person I know (my husband thinks she should run for Ms. Universe!), she is raising three kind, empathetic, beautiful children.

She carries them on her back while she harvests, taps trees for maple syrup and weeds. My sister has created–and provides her children with–the best nourishment for both body and soul. She does this through organic production, creating a community, endless book reading, fishing trips and unquestionable love.

Nominated by: Elizabeth Becker 

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September 2015 – BAM
We are thrilled to work with VOKE tab (natural energy tabs) to power BAM and highlight so many #badassmoms
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