Kids In The House + Mamalode

Erin Britt videos

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If you are a mother, then chances are that someone out there at sometime has negatively judged you as a parent. In fact, it's just as likely that you have looked at another mother and asked yourself “what could she possibly be thinking.” Mommy judgment—it's something we admittedly catch ourselves doing all the time for some reason or another. Why do we do it? Is it because we want to feel better about our own parenting ability? Or is it our pride showing because our own child is well behaved in that given moment? It's so subconscious that it seems almost second nature.

Either way, the truth is we all need to stop judging other mothers. In order for it to end, we must realize that rather than judging each other, we should be supporting each other because being a mother is one of the most difficult jobs there is. We must realize that we don't know each others hearts, we don't know each others stories so it is not our job to look down upon other moms, but rather to help each other in times of need.

Watch the video below in which Kids In The House Expert Jill Smokler (aka the Scary Mommy) explains the futileness of mommy judgment, and how she learned that the mother we are judging today, could easily be us tomorrow.

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About the Author

Erin Britt

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