The Pressure We Put on Mothers to be Perfect

Erin Britt videos

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You’re in line at the supermarket, and your baby starts screaming, while your toddler starts throwing things out of the cart. You’re desperately trying to keep it together, but it’s been a long, tough day. You snap at your toddler, who responds by hurling a box of Cheerios at the checkout girl.

Chances are, you’ve been that mom. Most of us have been, at some point. But that doesn’t make it any easier when you’re in that situation, feeling utterly overwhelmed and ashamed.

Motherhood isn’t perfect. It’s messy, and hectic, and sometimes involves flying cereal boxes. Yet, most of us don’t admit to these moments of weakness, and much of the conversation around parenting has to do with being better, being perfect, being the best.

What would happen if we could bond over these moments of imperfection, rather than hiding them away? Kids can bring us to the breaking point, but these feelings are complicated when you add shame and guilt to the mix. The truth is, your kids don’t need a perfect mom; they need a good-enough mom. They need you.

In the video below, Kids in the House expert Jill Smokler urges moms to start getting real about the realities of motherhood challenges. “Stop posting perfect pictures on Facebook, stop documenting only the best things on Pinterest,” she says. “Just be real, and we can all join the club of imperfect mothers. It's a much more relaxed place to be.”

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About the Author

Erin Britt

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