Elke mama says

Our theme is DIVE IN and we are thrilled to partner with the best diver-in-ers out there, Amy Poehler's Smart Girls.


Elke mama says

Our theme for the month is SIMPLIFY, which is funny since my usual state of being is more like MAKE COMPLICATED.

But that is why I love this theme so much. I need it.

Our partners for the month are The Minimalists.

Celebrate -  A Look Back

Elke mama says

An entire month of celebrating—celebrating each other, high-fiving yourself for every day you tuck in, and seeing the amazing in the ordinary. Yes, Mamaloders, we have much to celebrate. Let’s …

The Little Magazine That Could

Elke mama says

Once upon a time I had a baby. None of my close friends had babies. They were all in that phase of life where you are thinking about getting a dog but not sure if that is Just Too Much.

Why Porn is Important to Moms

Elke essays

Mamalode’s publisher met Cindy Gallop last year and their discussion about how porn impacts children (and their parents) was mind blowing.