Despite a small kitchen, Savagemama feels like she hasn't given up anything.
Without a washer/dryer in their apartment, Savagemama discovers a drop-off laundry service.
Small and Simple
Savagemama describes what it's like living as a family of four in 282 square feet.
One Drop Off
Savagemama celebrates the first day of school because both of her kids are now in the same school.
The Last Time
Savagemama plans on heading back to South Carolina to celebrate her 20-year high school reunion. And hopedully she will arrive having just recovered from another case of the last times.
Cleaning Out
Savagemama feels lighter after cleaning out and getting rid of junk before a big move.
Savagemama is hoping for a do over as she packs up her farmhouse to move into town for the second time.
Savagemama is packing her things in preparation for their families move into a 282 square foot apartment.
Side of the Road
Stuck on the side of the road with a gas can in one hand, husbands in the other.
Grandparent Camp
Savagemama's distant idea of leaving the kids with the grandparents for a week becomes a reality.