
Jennifer Savage essays

I started a mini campaign: We are so lucky, we got you.


Jennifer Savage essays

Trust me, there is a part of me (a big part) that loves seeing and being seen but after a few too many over committed weekends there is also a part of me that wants to hunker down on the farm, stay in my giving-up-on-life pants until 2 p.m. and make entire cities out of cardboard boxes with Lucille.

Tiger Mama

Jennifer Savage essays

I had a long list of places I wanted to see. I wanted my passport filled with stamps, my bones tired from bumpy bus rides on backwood roads in some distant place. But it didn’t turn out that way. The pull to stay with my family, and in my place, was so great that the best I could do was go to graduate school across the country in Oregon.


Jennifer Savage essays

He’s my office mate and I’m sure he had no idea what was about to befall him when my boss walked me into our shared office last June. And share I have. Over shared, in fact, most days. Everything that goes through my head comes out of my mouth and there is only one thin cubicle wall between me and him. He hears it all.