Pain Is Universal, And So Is Kindness

Lexi Behrndt essays

Kindness is contagious. Kindness dissolves anger, rage, and violence. Even when kindness is beaten down, it finds a way to prevail. All we have to do is look for it.

The Most Beautiful Wrecking

Lexi Behrndt essays

To say my two little boys have shaped my life is an understatement. They have altered the entire course, and they have single-handedly ensured that I will never, ever be the same in the irreversible, wreck-you way.

Every Parent’s Fear

Lexi Behrndt essays

I lived in a heightened state, because any little sign could have meant my baby was slipping away from me.

Be That Love

Lexi Behrndt Toddlers & Pre-School

I’ll tell you to rise, even when you are sinking, and I’ll tell you that you don’t do it alone.

There Is More

Lexi Behrndt Loss

This place refocuses me on the profound magnificence of this world, the trivial of the problems of this life, and the fact that there is so, so much more.