This moment, when he is small and sweet and loves his mama more than anyone else, is but a flash.
I Write My Own Obituary
She wrote and rewrote this obituary a few times a year as a tool to examine her life, to feel grateful, and to remember what mattered.
I Thought I Could Go Back To Life As It Was Before Kids
I want to describe it to him, to give it form—the smelly, ridiculous, beautiful moment when I knew: I will never be the same.
I’ll Be Alright Without You
For the time that my life has intertwined with theirs, I've been convincing them that they'll be all right without me.
The Tiny Shoes Remind Me Of How Good I’ve Got It
There’s something about the ability to move freely, to think freely, that conjures the realization of how preciously wonderful it is to take care of small children.
Today It’s Your Turn
We all take a turn being “that” parent…the one whose kids run amok leaving us feeling browbeaten and broken.
Just A Peek
We keep peeking ahead like this, peering from the soft spot of childhood into the limbo between here and adolescence.
Selfies and Air Raid Sirens
I am still madly in love with my daughter. I know she still loves me, too. But that isn’t enough to make her want to live with me.
Pirate Ship Treasure Discovered
She didn’t feel deprived at all by me not building her the giant pirate ship, I promised … me. All she needed was the security; I would love and take care of her.
Dear Toddler: Sorry, I’m Not Sorry
And while we’re at it, here are a few other things I’m no longer sorry for as well.