
Elizabeth Thompson because i said so

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Across the room you catch my eye,

           bouncy curls bobbing, glinting sun,

           chubby hands clutching, waving spoon,

           secret laugh bubbling, casting joy,

                       and I want to stop time,

                       freeze-frame your innocence,

                       your toddlerhood,

                       this moment,



So I try.


I pick up the camera.




           Snap again

                       and again

                                   and again.

But I cannot capture

           the way the fading sun fingers your golden curls,

                       painting a second sunset in my kitchen;

           the way the twinkle in your honey eyes sparks,

                       and I see my grandmother winking there;

           the way your coy giggle spins and curls and winds

                       across the room, around my heart.


At last, suddenly wiser, I stop trying.

I put down the camera,

           and sit down across from you,

           and drink you in,

           and share your secret joke,

           and know, somehow,

           that I have finally caught the moment,

           and my heart will always remember.

This piece was originally published on the author’s website,


About the Author

Elizabeth Thompson

Elizabeth Laing Thompson writes novels for teens, and blogs about the perils and joys of baby wrangling, tantrum taming, and giggle collecting at . She is always tired, but it’s mostly the good kind.

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