Nap Time No More

Erin Byrne Toddlers & Pre-School

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It finally happened. You fell asleep laying with me on the couch and not in your bed. This is definitely not the norm these days as we said goodbye to naps a long time ago. Being four and a half you haven't fallen asleep in my arms in years, but I must admit I’m loving every minute of holding my sleepy “big boy.”

I have always loved nap time. Your dad and I both work, you go to school, and throw your little sister in the mix and there just isn't enough time in the day as we would all like. Nap time allowed us to get caught up on errands, chores, cooking- all those things that you dread doing instead of playing. Plus you didn't sleep much day or night when you were a baby, so when naps finally developed for you we were all overjoyed. You were rested, we were rested, and nap time became this oh so precious time that we protected as if our lives –  sanity – depended on it. I dreaded the end of nap time and did everything I could to keep it alive, but once it finally stopped I fell in love with those hours more than ever before.

Nap time has turned into play time, giggle time and, most importantly, alone time with our boy. As your sister still dozes off to lala land each afternoon, we have this precious time together to imagine, play and explore, transforming me into the childhood friend you always want me to be – the one that is finally free for a play date. This time allows me to hide in the dark from monsters or pretend we are saving the dog from evil villains. I can now play with Legos rather than just stepping on them, or with trains rather than just always fixing the tracks.

For this hour or two you have my undivided attention; attention that allows me to see firsthand how well you are doing with coloring within the lines and putting a puzzle together. This time reminds me just how quickly you are growing up. Of course there are still times that we have to run errands, prep dinner or fold laundry, but we can do those things together, laughing and pretending we are superheroes all the while.

But for today, as you lay with me and I flashback to the countless hours I held you as a sleeping baby, I will cherish and embrace these sleepy cuddles. For there is always tomorrow; a new day to make the most of nap time that is no more.


May 2016 – Cherish
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About the Author

Erin Byrne

A working mom exploring ways to embrace change, find new hobbies, and discover a new me. Leaving no stone un-turned in my search to for life outside of Corporate America.

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