Mamaloder Mo Larson took over our Instagram feed for a #dayinthelifeofmamalode this summer when she underwent chemo treatment. She is amazing, just like all of you, so we wanted to make sure to share her day with you here.
“The second time I got cancer…” Not a sentence I thought I'd ever say, but I've used it in the last several months. To differentiate from the first time I got cancer at age 12, and a breast cancer diagnosis at age 39. wresting with this disease as a kid: very different dealing with it now as a mom to three and wife to one. Join me on my LAST (hopefully ever!) chemo treatment.
This hand comforting mine. It is 12 and belongs to my son Jake, and I'm sure it has healing powers. But my overriding thought looking at it right now is, “How is his watch that dirty??” #momthoughts
One of my best friends in the whole world and my boys. Mary Ann and her family have come alongside us and loved us in immense and invaluable ways. Food, coffee, laughter, sleepovers, driving the kids around in attempt to keep life as “normal” as possible… If you don't have a friend like this in your life, I highly recommend getting one. Better yet, be that friend to someone else.
This guy. In the 18 years that we've been married I'm pretty sure he's made me laugh every single on of those days. Sometimes hysterically, often inappropriately. I sometimes feel guilty that he got saddled with a gal with “health issues”. But then I remember that he leaves the shower so that it sprays cold water on me almost every day. So we're pretty much even.
I was a little worried that the kids would be self conscious about having a mom without any hair. That was silly.
Does this seem like a lot? Because it does to me. These are my empties so far. They've helped with the nausea, and caused some problems of their own, but I'm thankful for modern medicine. #deadsoldiers
The baby was gone celebrating her cousin's graduation, but she's home now. It always feels best when all of the birdies are back in the nest. My relatively young (haha) age at diagnosis will mean that she will have to start having mammograms in her 20's. #momguilt
Joe bought me this sign but I haven't decided where to hang it yet. I want it ot be somewhere that the whole family sees it because it's a good reminder for all of us. Be Brave! Because we really don't know what's around the corner, but I'm guessing you're stronger than you think you are. Thanks so much for your support, encouragement and loving words today! I've drawn strength from your kindness.
If you're interested in our #dayinthelifeofmamalode series, click here to learn more about our Instagram takeover.

September 2014's theme nourish is brought to you by ONE | Girls & Women
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