Adjust. Adapt. Move forward. It’s in our DNA; we evolve.
If We Were A Picture
The double-edged sword is this: the more we grow up, the more we move away from moments like these, face-to-face and heart-to-heart at 2 a.m.
This Too Shall Pass
I’m exhausted and long to return to the comfort of my own bed, desperately trying to will the flailing baby in my arms to wear himself out and just go back to sleep.
The Next Generation Brings With It The Highest Of Hopes
My daughter had brought something with her into this world: she’d brought hope in like wildflowers, roots and all, rich soil spilling from their leaves.
Am I Turning Into My Mother? I Hope So
But the one thing that worries me is when does this all pass on to me? When do I become the mum who knows how to attack any stain on a garment of clothing?
We Don’t Have Babies Anymore
The decision to be done having kids was easy.
When I Threw Away The Baby Books And Blocked Out The Experts
Tired of the nagging fear of inadequacy that the books gave me and desperate to silence the voice saying, you should be doing more, I took my mom’s advice.
My Husband And I Are Better Parents While Adventuring
Rob and I are better parents while adventuring, simply because we are happier, more present, more appreciative of a new place. It's not easier, by any means. But it's worth it.
The Five Little Words That Saved Me
Every mother, especially new mothers at their wits ends, at some point, deserve to be uplifted from the cloud of self-doubt, panic and anxiety, which seems to accompany us.
The Mommy Wake-Up Call
I had learned what was going to be my very first lesson of motherhood: no matter how hard I tried, when it comes to children, ‘big plans’ will no longer work as expected.