Make way. Today is fresh and new, and it’s got my name on it.
My Former Self
I’ve been told I have it easy, being a single mom. Even that I’m not a real mom for getting this freedom.
Baby Blues
A mom admits that Zoloft makes her a better mother.
In the Middle
I am in the space between. The middle place. Caring for young children and elderly parents. It is a place full of radiant highs and stomach dipping lows. A place of awe, …
Someday, I will hold you.
Someday, I will kiss your forehead and smoosh your cheeks.
I looked at him and calmly replied, “We both know that there are so many things in this life we can’t control. Why not control the things we can?”
My Heartbreaker
And my heart falls to the floor, right out of my body and around the room. His fingers used to be so small like the tiniest promise, the boldest whisper. And now he woos me with Neil Young. And now we move like folk singers across the carpet.
First Contractions
The first pains, the first aches, the first pushes as my spicy little one kicked his way further down into the world. What followed was a violent, thunderous burst in my heart and a clean, fresh page to my purpose.