We keep peeking ahead like this, peering from the soft spot of childhood into the limbo between here and adolescence.
Take One Away
While the educational system has a responsibility to promote childhood wellness, we parents and guardians do as well.
An Imperfect Love Letter To My Kids
I am overwhelmed with the luck that you were born to me. And I know that I don't tell you that enough.
The Dreams Children Aspire To
“Someday I hope when I grow up I get glasses and braces.”
He Wept
He was begging me to just show up and be truthful, even if it was terrifying.
How to Listen to Your Childhood Dreamer
I performed Gutless & Grateful for the first time in NYC in October 2012.
Life Isn’t Always Picture Perfect
I do not want to edit out parts of his life story. This is his life and his story to tell.
Dreams, Fears & Batshit Crazy Ladies
I am in The Next Phase of parenting. Today, my boys are six and four. There are no more toddlers running about. No more baby spoons, bibs and bottles.
Will They Remember?
Will they remember the times we danced in the rain? Or the snowmen we've built that have slowly died each spring only to be resurrected again next winter?
Watching for the Beauty of Change
We watch for the change, but it still sneaks up on us.