I am in the space between experienced mom and new mom.
Learning to Dig
I call it the Spring Slog: the weeks in March when my kids’ enthusiasm for school is at its lowest ebb
My Son’s Birthday Party Was a Bust
A stepmom learns many lessons after trying to throw the perfect birthday party for her son.
Sticky Sweet
I could hardly contain my heart under my ribs at her birthday circle the next day, as a room of tiny souls who adore my girl proclaimed their love for her hugs, her playground skills, her smile.
Humanity, That Big Tangled Mess
The nervous hand wringing of a bride-to-be, the sickening cries of a teenage girl remind me that this life is layered beautiful and violent, heartbreaking and deeply fulfilling.
Cheers to One More Milestone I Won’t be Celebrating
One of the most baffling aspects of motherhood is the way it seems to obligate me to get excited about things I’m really just not that excited about.
Remember This Day
She can’t wait for the party to start and is counting down the days until she can open her presents and play with her friends.
26 Little Celebrations
Their father’s absence is profound. Whereas these trips used to have an intense physical toll on me, now they have a powerful emotional toll on all of us.
Because That’s What Mothers Do
When you were born, you tore through me with such force I thought I might die. But no matter, the pain was easily eclipsed by a swell of love I had never felt before.
Wanting Daughters, Birthing Sons
Early on, I decided that if boys were my path in parenthood, I’d raise good ones.