How much should I, as a parent, get involved to help my children fight their battles and how much should I just let them figure things out themselves?
The Halloweens That Weren’t
Halloween is a bit extra special to me because of the ones I kind of missed out on.
Find the Magic in Your Heart
Caught up in the stress of my day; heavily trafficked streets, rushing around to make sure I was on time, I had spent too much time in my head. I came home and I was distracted, because the busyness of the day had thrown me off c
Words That Hurt: When Your Kid Gets Bullied
As a mother, this is possibly the most difficult part of the job; knowing when it’s time to let go.
Remembering my Grandfather
In high school I’d come over to my grandparent’s house on weekend mornings. In college I’d show up a little closer to dark. It didn’t matter though because he always asked if I was hungry and when I was he’d cook me an egg.
Clinging to Innocence
I thought I had more time. I thought I had at least months or—I’d hoped—years before this would start. Before Ryan’s babyish innocence would be slowly and matter-of-factly chipped away, one peer-inflicted comment at a time.
A Love Letter to 226 Pounds
This morning Eric and I stared down at these old licenses we were about to surrender to you with delightful nostalgia.
My Experience with Bacterial Meningitis
It’s been five years since the first of these headaches sent me to the emergency room on a June night. I’d spent the day in dark rooms, first at my house then at an urgent care center hooked up to an IV receiving fluids.
Silence and Echoes: Stopping Subtle Sexism
It would be very easy for me to duck out of some personal responsibility here under the cloak of not judging other people’s parenting, minding my own business, or even he’s from another generation. These are fail safe excuses for when we need to bite our tongues.
The End of the Clock
I started thinking, what if there is more to life with my kids than waiting for bedtime?