It would be very easy for me to duck out of some personal responsibility here under the cloak of not judging other people’s parenting, minding my own business, or even he’s from another generation. These are fail safe excuses for when we need to bite our tongues.
The End of the Clock
I started thinking, what if there is more to life with my kids than waiting for bedtime?
Charlie and the Shuttle Bus
Traveling with three kids is always an adventure, and by adventure I mean a sweaty, exhaustive, penance-like reminder of why we don't travel with three kids very often.
The World of Two
The world of two is a world where you ask, and no one listens.
Start Looking
Start appreciating what you have. Start right now.
Unedited; What Happens When You Start To Share Your Ugly Story
The ugly I began with and had been transformed into a beautiful sense of understanding.
Not Just Another Cup of Tea
My parents never deviated from their ritual of making chai every morning. The dedication to this routine offered a connection that I didn’t understand as a young girl.
Everything in me wanted to say, “Not today,” instead I said, “Okay. Let's do this.”
Becoming the Grown-Up
Bravery was not my mother's strongest suit.
Full Out: Why I Won’t Let My Kid Win
It turns out playing chess is like riding a bike (or it was after I remembered that it’s called a “knight,” not a “horse.”) After about 45 minutes, I had Lucas’s king trapped.