I knew who he was 19 years ago when I fell in love with him. Watching him fulfill his dream beyond what he imagined as I fulfill my dream of having this beautiful family is more than I could have ever hoped for.
What Shakespeare Taught Me About Family
Today’s cornucopia of self-help books, chat sites, blogs and Dr. Phil-types dispensing advice addresses the same sorry stuff Shakespearean characters wrestled against.
He’s Not My Daddy
I don’t want to strip her real dad of his role, it’s simply that I long for her to love and appreciate my husband as much as I do.
When I Inhabit Too Much Space
This body has been battered and bruised and loved and honored. It has been taken by those who had no claim to ownership, and it has been held gently by those committed to its care and keeping.
Empty Bowls
A speech by Elke Govertsen that she read at the Full Souls event at Ten Spoons Winery where she joined the mayor and other supporters of the Missoula Food Bank. It was a delightful evening of shared stories, perspective, good food and wine, and beautiful ceramics.
The Boob Fairy Never Came
As a small-chested gal, I always figured pregnancy would finally offer me the chance to enjoy a voluptuous bosom. So when I became pregnant and was wracked with constant nausea, …
Our Home Nourished Us
Sometimes a house is a house. But sometimes it is a home.
Nourish Yourself
“Be sure to nourish yourself,” she said. These were her parting words to me and she delivered them gently but sternly, a balance that seasoned mothers have perfected. I smiled and nodded my head. “Yes. I will.”
Time Runs Out
Time is a fickle thing.
Found It!
We’ve looked in every bedroom and bathroom. We’ve checked the living room and kitchen. We’ve dug under and inside all the furniture and cabinets in those rooms.