I thought the goodbyes to childhood would choke me and that my grief would steal my joy. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Bravery is in the Eye of the Beholder
If I’d been at an adult only pool party, with only peers watching, I’d have felt like a dork. But with my daughter’s proud eyes on me, I felt ridiculously brave.
The Story of Benny, A Man Who Was Never On The Cover of Vanity Fair
There are so many more Bennys than Caitlyns. There are so many who live their lives in secret and shame when they deserve to feel love and acceptance.
“You're here for the swimming test, right?” said Jeff, the teen lifeguard with red trunks that hit mid-thigh and blonde feathered hair, parted down the middle. He was beyond cute.
Offering Strawberries and Gaining Hope
Even though sometimes we feel like nothing we do is working, we know to keep trying, because each day we are blessed with little rewards for our hard work.
Play Nicely With Your Brother
These times that they played together, the geek and the jocks, afternoons filled with teasing, filth, joy, injury and encouragement . . . those are the experiences that shape a childhood and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood.
Potty Mouth: Why I’m Teaching My Daughter to Swear
The assumption that women’s primary function is to be “cute,” to not upset or startle anyone around them with “unfeminine” behavior, deserves to be called out loudly and aggressively.
Jumping Into The Talk
You’re a woman now whether you like it or not. There is one important thing you need to know. Your vagina is not a tchotchke.
Stopping at Two
This decision does not come without a heavy dose of guilt. My husband would love to have one more child.
Safe Submerged
I asked my husband to handle the teeth brushing, the book reading, the cuddling. He needs interaction; I need to be alone.