
Reyna Marder Gentin Loss

And then my cousin fell into the grave. At first there was silence. And then we laughed.

Part of Me Is Made of Glass

Alison Wilkinson Loss

The early knowledge that those who mean the most to you are not invincible, that your love is not enough to save them – it turns the heart not to stone, as stories would have it.

A New Year: The Stages of Snow and Struggle

Kara Lawler Loss

In this past year, I’ve come to see hardship in the same way I’ve seen snow. We fall, struggle, mix with the earthiest parts of ourselves, and melt into puddles of who we are or who we once were.

The Last Christmas

Emily Page Hatch Loss

What my son’s book doesn’t show, what he’ll learn as he grows, is that people can be both, happy and sad, at the same time.

There Is Softness In Strength

Julia Howe Sullivan Loss

I didn’t want her to grow up thinking that to be strong she had to put up an icy exterior. I wanted her to know that strength comes from vulnerability.

I Won’t Forget

Melissa Bierwag Loss

To the mom who lost her son last year, I want you to know that I remember.

Going On After A Child Dies

Mandy Hitchcock Loss

I realize now that what people were really looking for as they watched my grief unfold was reassurance that they, too, could survive this terrible thing if it happened to them.