Since birth, my daughter has always been fed via a feeding tube. It started with nasogastric tube, a small tube carefully placed down her nasal cavity to her stomach. A …
An Unexpected Path: Birds, Bees, and Cats
Some time ago during dinner, Anna announced when she was older she was going to be a Mommy. She said she was going to “born” four babies! I told her …
An Unexpected Path: Thirteen Days
Thirteen days ago I started reducing my 19-month-old daughter’s calories via her gastrostomy feeding tube (g-tube) with a team of medical professionals at Seattle Children’s Hospital. Thirteen days ago I …
An Unexpected Path: You can lead a baby to food
It’s been ten days since I started reducing food via my daughter’s feeding gastrostomy tube (g-tube) in our third weaning attempt. Under the watchful eyes of the Seattle Children’s Hospital …
If I had to name one thing that I have learned since becoming a parent it is that “plans” are really flexible aspirations; that everyone’s happiness increases exponentially with how bendy the whole approach is.
Surviving Our Toddler’s First Flight
We made it. We survived our toddler’s first flight. Here's how we did it.
Mommy Always Comes Back
This verbal agreement shapes my whole life. It is my reminder that someone is counting on me to be present and alive.
To Be The Protector To His Adventurer
I learn a little more every day about how to allow and encourage Cyrus be the inquisitive and daring yang to my loving and protective yin.
It’s OK
“That was at my third birthday party,” she tells me, pointing to the collage on the bathroom wall. We are at my future sister-in-law’s house and the frame is filled with pictures of a two-years-ago Chloe and her cousin.
Language Arts
Colt, my 2-year old, is a talker.