I remember feeling nervous as a 9th grade girl—wanting to feel pretty, fretting over whether my outfit and hair were just right, putting on a face of confidence when I was terrified on the inside.
Timing is everything.
But somehow the birthdays came mighty fast. One. Five. Nine.
Asking. Hoping. Getting.
Why is it so hard to ask, to promote ourselves?
Surfer Boy
His little boy smell, the feel of his warm and slightly sticky self pressed against me, his blond hair flying into my eyes, my nose, covering my lips.
Do You Ever Think of Me?
How long after my tiny son’s birth, did your own body bring forth a tender wailing child?
Why I Don’t Buy Into Mother’s Day
My expectation is that they treat me especially nice every day.
Supporting Your Teen in Developing Their Sense of Purpose-Five Parenting Tips to Foster Independence
I have come to find that most teens want the same thing: to feel their parents are supporting them during their journey of self-exploration.
Why My Teen Son Won’t Be Watching 13 Reasons Why
I don’t want him to get the wrong idea about suicide. I want him to know that there is no glory in killing yourself.
Cyberbullying Is Causing Teens To Die In The Real World—Girls Are Hit Harder
While all forms of bullying are damaging, an online bully can create detrimental trauma and there is not a lot that the child/teen or parents can do about it, although awareness and laws continue to improve across the United States and the world.
When You Cut Yourself, I Bleed
I glanced at my daughter sitting on the hospital bed waiting for someone from Mental Health Intervention to come and talk to us. The harsh light outlined the contours of …