My Kids Are Better Than Your Kids: Here’s Why

Kristin Anderson essays

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I have two kids. They are currently the two most perfect human beings on the planet. I firmly believe that my daughter will grow up and become the next C.S. Lewis while curing cancer in her spare time. I also believe that my son is going to be an astronaut who also plays in the NBA. I'm not even joking. They really are that amazing. I feel so confident in who they are and who they will become that I don't even feel the need to compare them to other peoples kids. There is no comparison. They are perfect.

Whoa, easy lady. I'm sure your kids are just like everyone else's.


I'll never forget after my daughter was born. My mom was there. I was at hour three of staring, watching her sleep when my mom asked, “Is it weird for you to think that I love you as much as you love her?”

Yes. That was weird for me. I couldn't fathom a greater love. Or even an equal love. But there it was. My mom loved me this much. She said it like she meant it.

This got me thinking. The thinking got me to researching. Why do parents love their kids so much?

1. Children leave their DNA in your heart. There is literally cell migration from baby to mother during pregnancy. These fetal cells (from born and unborn children) can be found in a mother’s heart, blood, skin, bone marrow, liver and kidneys. These cells have been known to protect against certain cancers, generate new neurons in mother's brain, and heal wounds and aid in recovery.

2. Children activate your brain, nerves, and hormone levels. Inside each of our chests there is a vagus nerve. This nerve is activated when we spend time with our children. This nerve enables communication between the body and the brain and it directs oxytocin to be released. This leads to feelings of love and admiration towards our offspring.

3. Children become your life. Since I became a mother everything is different. I have dedicated every single day to my kids. Every choice I make runs through the lens of how this will affect my children. I am investing my time, effort, love, and essentially my life to raising positive little people. I love my kids because I sacrifice for my kids.

4. Parents can't be objective. Sure, I can complain and see a few MINOR faults in my children but at the end of the day, they are perfect. I CAN'T be objective about this. They are more than just a part of my family. They are literally PART of me. The best part.

So yes, my kids are better than yours.


About the Author

Kristin Anderson

Kristin is a 6 foot 3 mother of two, wife of one. Kristin is mostly known for her straight to the point-edness. She has never been called classy... but she does call people darling. Read more from her and her 6 foot 8 husband at .

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