Voke Your Shake
If You Asked About Motherhood…
I would tell you about the essence of baby, the corn silk hair, the soggy fingers, the warm breath.
I want to stop time, freeze-fram your innocence, your toddlerhood, this moment, forever.
An Ode to the End of Nursing
This is a story of love and of woe, And of why we stopped nursing a few months ago.
My Mom Jeans
You can't buy custom-design like this.
The Rhythm of Motherhood
Motherhood is all rhythm and rhythm. Rhythm and rhythm and rhythm. Then stop. The pattern of mornings repeating before you, Repeating, repeating, repeating again.
YOU are the Perfect Mom
So on those tough days where big sis is tired and moody after a long day at school, and the baby cries for hours because her new teeth hurt, and the house is a mess, and you feel like you just barely made it until bedtime without locking yourself in the bedroom and hiding – just remember – YOU are the PERFECT mom, and that is the best compliment you can ever receive.
The Familiar Evening Routine
I tense up, defensively, as I do each time, ready to thwart the attack of the five-year-old boy, desperate to break in and smother his brother with kisses.
My Resume After Parenthood
Since becoming a parent, there are quite a few new experiences I’ve encountered and new skills I’ve mastered. If I ever decide I need to look for a new job, there are some items I’ll have to add to my resume. This is definitely going to make me more marketable.
To My Son on Graduation Day
A mother's secret wishes for her grown boy. By Peyton Price