The things moms carry have very little to do with necessity.
The Price of Silver Screen Spontaneity
Would spontaneity be required on the sacrificial altar of motherhood?
On her path, she will meet words of all manner. Shake hands with words of curiosity. Turn her eyes from words of hate. Embrace with reckless abandon words of passion, and love, and wonder.
A Few of My Favorite Things: Holiday Gift Guide, Etsy Edition
Finding things home-made, hand-made and heart-made just gets my giving spirit all sorts of fired up, in a good way.
The Secret Recipe…
The secret to motherhood is to put yourself first. If you get what you need, your children will get what they need.
The Complications of Motherhood
It's complicated, striking the balance between you and them. It's complicated, because they are you.
Why Porn is Important to Moms
Mamalode’s publisher met Cindy Gallop last year and their discussion about how porn impacts children (and their parents) was mind blowing.
Finding Adulthood
Does it happen all of a sudden? Did you wake up one day and absently look up at the crack on your ceiling and say, “Yes, yes. Now this it. I think I am an adult now”?
The Road Diverged
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could …
No Capes Required
I’ve decided to apply for secret superhero status. They’re all the rage these days, have you noticed?