Before she could gain control of it, the slimy fish slapped against her cheek.
You’re A Good Mom
I recently read something that said that if you have ever stopped to wonder whether you’re a good mom, you probably are.
Five Glorious Minutes
I look up every five minutes, amazed I have this much time to myself. And I realize that I kind of, almost, a little tiny bit, miss the noise.
The World is Not His Oyster
Maybe we all can’t do what we want to in life, but maybe some of us can. Maybe my son can.
The Only Life Skill My Kids Really Need
As painful as it is to see your kids disappointed, it’s even more painful to see them held back by their own inhibitions.
To the Heroes Advocating on Behalf of Abused Children
Please remember that you change lives every single day. You see things most 'regular people' pretend don't exist.
A Life of Passion
I love my family passionately. But I recognize the need to love myself with passion, to dive in and find my way in this new stage of my life.
To the Mom Suffering From Depression
Rest in the breath and in the love that you can feel even in your darkest moments when you close your eyes, take a deep inhalation, release a slow exhalation, and pause.
There’s No Wading Into Motherhood
While I never worried about having enough love to go around, I was worried about being able to have enough time, energy and patience.
How To Make Antibiotics in Your Car
By the next morning I had forgotten there ever was a new sippy cup, and that is how it came to spend a week lying forgotten under the front passenger seat, slowly leaking rotting milk into the carpet.