Wait. You want to be the bully’s girlfriend?
Breaking Away
If I could wrap her up and shelter her from the next eight years or so, from the girl drama that is the tween and teen girl, I would.
Three Years.
This time you know that “help” is not a four letter word.
Daughter, When You Break Your Own Heart
My despair, my tidal wave of deep dread, truly lies in the heartbreak of the greatest love affair of all—the love affair you have with yourself.
Your Loose Grip
A poem by Kelsey Cadahia-Frankel, age 13.
The strength of womanhood, shared. The strength in gaining wisdom, earning respect, and growing up. And at the same time learning that it is okay to not always feel strong.
6 Ways To Compliment My Daughter Instead Of “Pretty”
I’ve observed that gender greatly affects the kinds of compliments my children receive.
Bring In The Lefty! No, Not Him – Her!
Since their dad is a huge baseball fan, my girls have grown up watching a lot of baseball.
This Cross I Bear
But mostly to realize that I, her mother, the one who was supposed to nurture and protect her, am part of the reason she has reached this place of darkness.
Real Men Can Handle Unicorn-Related Crises
My daughters’ generation is lucky. For the most part, Dads are completely involved in their kids’ lives like my husband is.