I asked myself: what could others be feeling if they were to lose me?
Eight Months Pregnant And Stuck In The Elevator
But there's the other side too. There are people who will jump in after you. There are others who will grab your hand and pull.
If I Never Hold My Grandchild
I am writing you today so that if, for whatever God forbidden reason, I am not here on earth with you when you have your first child, you will have something to hopefully provide you with some sort of closeness to me.
She Should Be Four
One expects some measure of recognition from the one person on the planet who ostensibly understands the loss of this particular child from a parent’s perspective.
To The Newly Bereaved Parent – You Are Not Alone
It’s a club no one wants to join, yet so many people are part of.
Rainbow Baby, You Were Worth Every Second
You’re my light at the end of a tunnel of sadness, of heartache, and of pain.
I Held A Wild Animal In My Womb
In the days immediately following the birth of my stillborn baby, I played a lot of baseball.
When You Don’t Know What to Say
After the loss of my infant son, I began to notice the vast number of minefields that we navigate during every conversation.
Don’t be Afraid, Dear Sister
This poem was written for my sister who recently received the heartbreaking news that at 16 weeks gestation her baby’s heart had stopped beating.
Why I Refuse To Let My Kids Live In Fear Of Terrorism
I won’t allow myself to give into the fear that terror provides, and I refuse to let my kids live in fear of terrorism.