My Mother’s Presence

Karen Johnson Loss

At a time in my mother’s life when she was facing one of her greatest fears—letting her child go and be in a place where she was not, she was also saying goodbye to her own mom.

My Mother’s Hands

Gina Rich Loss

As I watch my children grow up, I know that my mom’s presence in my life did not end with her death.

If I Never Hold My Grandchild

April Derksen Loss

I am writing you today so that if, for whatever God forbidden reason, I am not here on earth with you when you have your first child, you will have something to hopefully provide you with some sort of closeness to me.

She Should Be Four

Adina Giannelli Loss

One expects some measure of recognition from the one person on the planet who ostensibly understands the loss of this particular child from a parent’s perspective.