I used to be an organized person.
Anne Hathaway Is Standing Up To Fight for Parental Leave. And I Stand With Her.
The whole world grows when people like you and me take a stand because we know that beyond the idea of how women and men are different, there is a deeper truth that love is love and parents are parents.
Why the Kids Crashing Interview Video is a Triumph for Women
Women, despite becoming an ever increasing percentage of the workforce, still bear the brunt of discrimination against parents in the workplace.
Take Care, Mamas: The Case for Being Selfish In Your Self-Care
It's something I'm just learning how to do: recognize what I need to be happy and productive.
Why Your Kids Should Know The You Before Them
It’s good for them to know that we value other aspects of our lives outside of them, that we have other purposes.
The Everest of Motherhood
By walking our highest paths, we can show our children how to be strong and complete women, dancing our dance as they discover theirs.
Bored Baby – Bored Mama
Where is the line? How do you find it? How do you know the difference between mother’s guilt, selfishness, and neglect?
Back Into The Woods: When Maternity Leave Ends
If there is ever a time when mothers' faces look exactly the same, it is when they are too near to the end of that precious allotment of time with their newborn.
I Know I Can’t Do It All. But I Wish I Could.
I’m so thankful for her help, but saddened by it at the same time: the image of my chubby-legged toddler being chased around the waiting room by someone other than myself pricks at my heart.
Taking Strategic Withdrawals
Through all of this, I’ve been single, and a single mother at that. I do not get time off. Almost every moment I have away from my children is spent worrying over how I will afford to pay my bills.