I am alone in a hospital room nine months later. Dana and our unborn child were just carted away by a swarm of doctors.
Chasing the Light
It’s been a long time since I’ve put pen to paper, finger to key, derrière’ to office chair. But my how I’ve missed the gratification that comes from recording our memories. I’ve never been diligent at keeping up with baby books, so my personal blog is the place I would go to record little anecdotes of our life. But, after tucking the kids into bed, lately I’ve wanted nothing more than to bury my head in a pillow or veg out on the couch with some dark chocolate covered almonds.
Raising Boys Who Will Dismantle the Rape Culture
Jenni Chui is raising a new generation of boys that she hopes will have the power to change the rape culture.
She Shook My Baby: What Happened to the Daycare Provider
By Tiffany Verzal. A story about a child that was the victum of shaken baby syndrome.
By Elke Govertsen. I spent most of the summer on my couch working very, very hard to breathe.