Taking Out the Trash

Lori Wenner Relationships

This is your life: this beautiful, grace-filled moment. Savor it. You will lose him, and soon, but you have this now. Sit still; take it all in: every color, voice, scent, taste, touch and laugh.

A Plea

Naomi Hartman Gerheim Relationships

I love a man who I can see a future with, and he loves a woman who is part of a package deal he never imagined wanting.

A Beautiful Ordinary

Stacy di Anna Pollard Relationships

For me, it's an encouraging nod from above, a vibrant, everyday miracle which reminds me that life is uncertain and messy, but also beautiful. Beautiful in the extraordinary but even more so in the ordinary.

The Small Spot

Julia Arnold Relationships

I wonder, sometimes, in the midst of our now familiar, sometimes hurried, sometimes tiring, family routines, does he still prefer to be as close as possible to me?

Marriage. Is. Hard.

Katie Moore Relationships

I choose you. I choose us. This day and everyday, just one day at a time, I am going to pick you on this path.


Carrie Davis Relationships

The less stuff my family owns the less mess there is to clean.


Carrie Davis Relationships

Suddenly I’m living my Mother’s life, but I’m on the other side. I’m Mother.