
Sarah Calhoun Girls

The strength of womanhood, shared. The strength in gaining wisdom, earning respect, and growing up. And at the same time learning that it is okay to not always feel strong.

This Cross I Bear

Leslie Wibberley Girls

But mostly to realize that I, her mother, the one who was supposed to nurture and protect her, am part of the reason she has reached this place of darkness.

The Kind Of Mother I Aspire To Be

Ambrosia Brody Girls

I will continue to work on me, push myself to new limits a if only to show my daughters all that women are capable of once they set their sights on something.


Erin Britt Girls

I am to support her dreams and help her discover how to reach them. There is no reason that she can’t do what she aspires to and I need to make that one thing very clear today.

On Growing Up & Growing Older

Jennifer Groeber Girls

Perhaps the observation that someone is old should be considered a crown of glory, a thing of beauty, rather than a slight.