I found life down there at the bottom of that vast sea, a group of like-minded parents who knew exactly what I was feeling, parents who knew exactly what I was experiencing.
My Mother’s Landline
My baby will find other ways to observe me in wonderment as a woman who is both her mother, yet someone else completely.
My Mom Jeans
You can't buy custom-design like this.
The Lovely View
In the early days, I just assumed I would meet someone and marry again.
All of it
Have we bought into the notion that we are responsible for everyone around us being happy or not happy?
It’s Been That Kind of Day
It’s been the kind of day that we’ll forget eventually, as time fades the bad and highlights the good.
When Mom Misses the Night
The cooling saffron air, teasing my pallet with the first hint of fall, was lapping my newly styled hair—a haircut that made me look younger yet wiser. The pavement was sexy and enticing with a slight sheen of wet glistening over her surface.
Pickup Time
When I’ve missed the mark, her eyes lock with mine and she delivers a sulky, teary-faced greeting. I drag her away with her unfinished necklace. We argue and my frustration shows. I
Nourish Yourself
“Be sure to nourish yourself,” she said. These were her parting words to me and she delivered them gently but sternly, a balance that seasoned mothers have perfected. I smiled and nodded my head. “Yes. I will.”
One Mom’s (Totally Unrealistic) Summer Bucket List
By Kathy Glow. Have you done any of my bucket list items? What’s on your list?